Category: Boom!

Working to Connect Older Adults – Stanford Center on Longevity

Working to Connect Older Adults – Stanford Center on Longevity

Broadband Access, Devices and Training National nonprofit Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) is using a $3 million investment from The Humana Foundation to launch Aging Connected, a consortium for accessible internet connections for older adults. Aging Connected will focus on getting at least 1,000,000 older adults online by June of 2022, particularly those in marginalized communities. The consortium will include technology companies, nonprofit senior services providers, and public sector agencies. Earlier this year, OATS’ Senior Planet program worked with the New York City Housing Authority and private companies to deliver 10,000 internet-connected tablets, along with a year of free tech support, to older adults living alone in public housing throughout the City. Virtual Assistants A less labor-intensive way of connecting older adults is through the use of virtual assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant. These voice-activated devices, which require a Wi-Fi connection, can perform a variety of functions, from reminders to take medications to playing games, and can converse in multiple languages. The devices can also connect older people to family members and friends. AARP Foundation, through its Connect2Affect program, is supporting the use of Alexa-type devices in senior housing communities, along with a community management platform…

Love is still in the air on Valentine’s Day for veterans at Erskine care home

Love is still in the air on Valentine’s Day for veterans at Erskine care home

By Deborah Anderson SHE was a passenger on a London to Glasgow bus when she began talking to the regular driver. On one occasion a delayed journey saw them chat a little more and they soon realised there was a spark. And now more than 50 years after they first met Siobhan and Bobby Gordon will be celebrating Valentine’s Day today in the home they share at veterans charity Erskine. They are among many married couples are currently living within three of Erskine’s four homes. Mr and Mrs Gordon celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary last year and say the secret to their long and happy marriage is always to consider your partner first before yourself. Still Game and River City actor reveals inspiration behind his debut book They were marred on June 22, 1968 at Kensington Registry Office and began their married life in Ayrshire, where Mr Gordon is from, before moving to Linwood, Renfrewshire. In January 2020, the next chapter of their lives began as they moved into rooms beside each other in The Erskine Home. Before his career with bus operator Western SMT, Mr Gordon served for three years with the Royal Navy during the Second World…

Executive Forecast 2021: A New Era Begins for Senior Living

Executive Forecast 2021: A New Era Begins for Senior Living

“Last year, we thought that the 2020s would be a transformative decade — what an understatement. 2021 will set forth a new era in health care and senior living at large as a result of the pandemic.” These are the words of Ascension Living President Danny Stricker, but numerous other top executives in the industry …

Retail Giant Muji Joins Prefab Senior Housing Trend

Retail Giant Muji Joins Prefab Senior Housing Trend 5de76ab6 2838 4480 8cf6 7e456203d28d

Muji is joining the ranks of companies, including IKEA, looking to meet the demand for affordable senior housing through prefabrication. Based in Japan, Muji has grown from a retailer of home goods to an internationally recognized brand with more than 500 stores in urban centers such as New York City, where it also offers products …

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