Real estate and construction industry outlook

Real estate: Recovery, imagination and resilience – The groundwork has been laid for a sector-wide recovery in 2021 across real estate, which was heavily affected by the global pandemic. Investors are on a hunt for yield against a backdrop of lower interest rates and stagnating gross domestic product growth, among other factors creating demand. – Hospitality gets a shot in the arm
Those still questioning future demand for travel in a post-COVID-19 world need look no further than home rental company Airbnb’s debut in the public markets. With the stock trading nearly double its offering price in early December, enthusiasm hasn’t waned and demonstrates that companies that are able to nimbly adapt to shifting consumer preferences can win in an increasingly complex operating environment. Hospitality-focused investors have also pivoted their strategies: tailoring offerings, restructuring operations and investing in technology in an effort to make it through to 2022 when the pandemic is expected to be largely in the rearview mirror.

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Author: TheBoomerTeam

The head of BRCUSA

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